Widget Escalation API

Endpoint for connecting agents with customers when an escalation is triggered


Headers Parameters:
  1. AuthorizationstringRequired

    String API Key for the botId. The key can be generated on custom CRM integration page in our Ultimate.ai Dashboard. Please see Authentication article to learn more.

  2. botidstringRequired

    The ID of the bot that is sending the event.


Request Body Schema: application/json
  1. platformConversationIdstringRequired

    An ID provided by the custom CRM to identify the conversation. The custom CRM application can decide the format.

  2. eventTypestringRequired
  3. textstring

    Text of the agent's message, if the eventType is 'message'

  4. agentstring

    Agent's name, if the eventType is 'escalationSuccess'

  5. agentAvatarstring

    Agent's avatar, if the eventType is 'escalationSuccess'

  6. queuePositionstring

    Queue position, if the eventType is 'escalationQueueUpdate'

  7. waitingTimestring

    Waiting time, if the eventType is 'escalationQueueUpdate'


The request has been acknowledge and will be processed. The actual response will come through webhooks.

Request Body

"platformConversationId": "string",
"eventType": "string",
"text": "string",
"agent": "string",
"agentAvatar": "string",
"queuePosition": "string",
"waitingTime": "string"